There’s busy, and then there is “dashing in heels” busy.
We know our founder, D’Andra Simmons, would agree with Gretchen Bauer, founder of BSWANKY, when she says that every day running your own business is an adventure that absolutely requires dashing in heels.
We love to recognize strong women who continue to fight. Inspired by the strength of her own mother who overcame breast cancer, D’Andra Simmons continues to encourage women to stay strong, take charge of their health and wellness through a combination of allopathic and complementary medicine, and find their own happine
When it comes to women in business, we get really excited. As a girl boss herself, our founder D’Andra Simmons loves being able to connect with and lift up other women who are crushing it in the business world. In fact, our inspiration this month, Rachel Sipperley of Rent My Wardrobe, also shares that love, and we are